Tiger Woods Seeks Prescription Pill Class for Recovery

Tiger Woods Seeks Prescription Pill Class for Recovery

After his May arrest on suspicions of a DUI, Tiger Woods has sought and completed a recovery program in order to help him with his addiction. While it is unknown what Woods plans to do next, and if he intends to return to the PGA Tour, it does seem the program was helpful to him, according to his statement.


Tiger Woods’ Pill Addiction

Though the possibility of an alcohol addiction was ruled out when Woods was arrested, it soon became known that he was struggling with another type of substance use disorder, one that are a large number of Americans are currently dealing with: a prescription drug addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 7 million individuals reported past month prescription drug abuse, and the number has steadily climbed higher ever since.


While this is a serious disorder that can cause problems just like any other substance of abuse, such as arrests, overdose, etc., it can be treated with therapy, medications, and other options often found in rehab centers like the one Tiger Woods attended.


Rehab for the Golf Star

According to a statement made on social media on July 3rd, Woods says he has “recently completed an out of state private intensive program” in order to help him with his substance abuse. He states he will “continue to tackle this going forward” with the help of his “doctors, family, and friends.” He also mentioned his thanks for the support he has received from others.


Addiction is a serious issue that, in most cases, requires multiple treatment programs and a long-term recovery. As such, it is unknown whether Woods will require further care, but he currently seems to be doing his best to seek help and recover safely from this issue.


Michigan Counseling Group Offer Prescription Pill Class for Recovery

If you’re seeking a prescription pill class for recovery like Tiger Woods, you’ve found one right here. We offer an effective class that has helped many people who are addicted stop their struggles with prescription pills.


Our classes are led by experienced addiction counselors who understand what you are going through right now, and know how to end the turmoil that you’ve found yourself in because of your addiction. You will learn why you may have become addicted, how to start the withdrawal process, and how to live with the drugs in your life. It may sound frightening to live without them, but it is possible, and you can have a great life without them.


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